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Support Us

Get Involved

  • There are many ways you can support the Learning-Disabled Child, with various levels of commitment in terms of time, money and resources.

  • You don’t have to think in terms of Cash donations – there are ways to put charitable giving at the heart of your business that could have an immediate social impact on a Learning-Disabled child and still save money and grow your business.

  • n addition to generating goodwill among your customers and community, remember that your charitable donation might be tax deductible. Donations of cash, volunteered services, inventory or sponsorship of a charity event are eligible for a tax deduction because the ALD is a registered Charity Organization.

  • School fences are very effective billboards for advertising and you may be eligible to hang an advertising board on the perimeter fence or even advertise on one of the school buses; depending on your form of sponsorship.  See our news and projects

Ways of getting involved:
  • Become an ambassador for the ALD and explain the struggles of living with an unseen disability.

  • Spread the word – an easy act of kindness that could transform the fortune of this social cause is to introduce the ALD to people in your personal or business network. Take the time to review your business contacts to see if there is anyone you could introduce them to. Connecting people to one another is one of the greatest gifts you can give. 

  • Give the ALD access to business resources – when you provide resources to social causes you are helping them save money. Examples of resources you could offer include new or used Computer equipment, office equipment, people (in terms of hours or skills) or technology. If you employ staff or work collaboratively with others, think of ways you do this as a team building or staff engagement activity.

  • Sponsor a specific child who needs support – perhaps paying for a young child to attend school (with or without uniform and materials) or for a young person to complete higher education (with or without their living costs). Many of the Learners with Learning Disabilities do not qualify for bursaries but are equally deserving and capable of completing their studies.

  • Sponsoring ALD events or specific projects – there are many ways to sponsor events such as taking a stand or table, advertising in a programme, offering samples, tasters or other resources (for example donating raffle prizes or gifts for goodie bags). You could sponsor a whole event or just part of it.

  • Sponsoring the purchase of specific resources – The ALD often ask people and businesses to donate particular items needed by those they help, e.g. paint, shelving, building material, Therapy toys and equipment, playground and sporting equipment, computers, material, books, educational costs, etc. that can be used to support the school. By sponsoring the purchase of specific resources you’re effectively donating what’s needed, without needing to worry about buying and distributing the goods yourself.

  • Pay-it-Forward Campaigns among staff –Pay-it-forward is about being kind or generous to someone without any expectation of payment, and with the request that the beneficiary ‘pays’ by doing something kind for someone else. Give a donation in cash, an item, time or effort.

  • Selectively offer your products or services for free – have a policy for scholarships, pro-bono work for Learners who cannot afford to pay to study or need work experience in order to find employment.

  • Collaborate with the ALD – collaboration is a powerful way to of giving and possibly adding your Brands to the Charity.


Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

New or used, Services, Sponsor, Branding

Needs specified under News

In Person

deliver new or used goods

make an appointment to visit

45 Island View Road


South Africa


Online banking
site in operation
call for banking details

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Email or  Call

Nothing is to big or to small

Your contribution is appreciated.

Tel: +27314664477

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